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Macbook Pro Os X Compatibility


Here’s the compatibility list, according to Apple. Macs that are compatible with macOS Sierra. IMac (Late 2009 and later) Mac mini (2010 and later) Mac Pro (2010 and later) MacBook (Late 2009. Here's the full list of Macs and OS X Mavericks compatibility: MacBook Pro - you'll need to have either a 13-inch from mid-2009, 15-inch from mid/late 2007 or 17-inch from late 2007 or later. Will MacOS Big Sur work on your Mac? Here's the full compatibility list. If you've got any of these devices, you'll be able to get a look at the latest operating system from Apple.


DPI scaling settings on macOS / OS X (HiDPI display)

1. Outline

This information explains how to change the DPI scaling level. (HiDPI display)
These settings allow you to scale the size of text or icons to match the size displayed with other monitor resolutions.
Note: This information is provided based on our in-house testing. We do not guarantee the compatibility in respective user environments and conditions may vary depending on the graphics board manufacturer.

2. Applicable Monitors

FlexScan EV3237
ColorEdge CG318-4K
ColorEdge CG248-4K

3. macOS / OS X settings

3.1 macOS Sierra (10.12.5 or later)

(1) Open “Display” tab of 'Displays' setting in System Preferences.

(2) Select 'Scaled' of Resolution.
Please disable 'Mirror Displays' before selecting 'Scaled'.

(3) Change the scaling level.

Resolution list may be displayed instead of the icons depending on the combination of the Mac and the monitors.

2 When you don't set the expansion ratio to 200% or 100% (no-scaling), screen looks somewhat blurry because of the OS scaling.

3.2 macOS Sierra (10.12 - 10.12.4) / OS X El Capitan (10.11) / OS X Yosemite (10.10)

Scaling level
Scaling levelclick 'Scaled' pressing the 'Option' key and select 3840 x 2160 resolutions.

2 When you don't set the expansion ratio to 200% or 100% (no-scaling), screen looks somewhat blurry because of the OS scaling.

The resolution options of CG318-4K are as follows when using with the OS X Yosemite (10.10.4) - macOS Sierra (10.12.4) installed Mac Pro (Late 2013) . Chrome and apple.

Resolution Scaling level Note
4096 x 2160 100% OS default (No scaling)
3840 x 2160 100% -
2048 x 1080 200% equivalent to 75ppi

4. Software Compatibility

We confirmed the HiDPI compatibility between OS X Yosemite (10.10) and the following software.

Category Vendor Software Version HiDPI display
Image Editing Adobe Photoshop CC (2014) 20141014.r.257 Yes
Photoshop Elements 13 13.0 (20140831.m.62014) Yes
Lightroom 5 5.6 (977575) Yes
Canon Digital Photo Professional Yes
Nikon ViewNX2 2.10.2 Yes
Capture NX-D 1.0.3 Yes
Movie Editing Adobe Premirere Pro CC (2014) 8.1.0 (81) Yes
Premirere Elements 13 13.0 (20140903.daily.717136) Yes

(As of November 2014)

Your Mac provides several tools to help you identify it. The simplest is About This Mac, available by choosing About This Mac from the Apple menu  in the upper-left corner of your screen. The other is the System Information app. Learn how to use these tools to identify your Mac.

If you don’t have your Mac or it doesn’t start up, use one of these solutions instead:

  • Find the serial number printed on the underside of your Mac, near the regulatory markings. It’s also on the original packaging, next to a barcode label. You can then enter that serial number on the Check Coverage page to find your model.
  • The original packaging might also show an Apple part number, such as MLH12xx/A (“xx” is a variable that differs by country or region). You can match the Apple part number to one in the list below to find your model.

List of MacBook Pro models

MacBook Pro models are organized by the year they were introduced, starting with the most recent. Play windows games on mac. Click the model name for detailed technical specifications.

MacBook Pro models from 2012 and newer can run the latest version of macOS. For models from before 2012, the latest compatible operating system is noted.


MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro16,3
Part Numbers: MXK32xx/A, MXK52xx/A, MXK62xx/A, MXK72xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro16,2
Part Numbers: MWP42xx/A, MWP52xx/A, MWP62xx/A, MWP72xx/A, MWP82xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)

Macbook Pro Late 2011 Os X Compatibility


MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro16,1, MacBookPro16,4
Part Numbers: MVVJ2xx/A, MVVK2xx/A, MVVL2xx/A, MVVM2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,4
Part Numbers: MUHN2xx/A, MUHP2xx/a, MUHQ2xx/A, MUHR2xx/A, MUHR2xx/B
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,1, MacBookPro15,3
Part Numbers: MV902xx/A, MV912xx/A, MV922xx/A, MV932xx/A, MV942xx/A, MV952xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,2
Part Numbers: MV962xx/A, MV972xx/A, MV982xx/A, MV992xx/A, MV9A2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)


MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,1
Part Numbers: MR932xx/A, MR942xx/A, MR952xx/A, MR962xx/A, MR972xx/A, MUQH2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,2
Part Numbers: MR9Q2xx/A, MR9R2xx/A, MR9T2xx/A, MR9U2xx/A, MR9V2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)


MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro14,3
Part Numbers: MPTR2xx/A, MPTT2xx/A, MPTU2xx/A, MPTV2xx/A, MPTW2xx/A, MPTX2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro14,2
Part Numbers: MPXV2xx/A, MPXW2xx/A, MPXX2xx/A, MPXY2xx/A, MQ002xx/A, MQ012xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro14,1
Part Numbers: MPXQ2xx/A, MPXR2xx/A, MPXT2xx/A, MPXU2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)


MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro13,3
Part Numbers: MLH32xx/A, MLH42xx/A, MLH52xx/A, MLW72xx/A, MLW82xx/A, MLW92xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro13,2
Part Numbers: MLH12xx/A, MLVP2xx/A, MNQF2xx/A, MNQG2xx/A, MPDK2xx/A, MPDL2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Colors: Silver, space gray
Model Identifier: MacBookPro13,1
Part Numbers: MLL42xx/A, MLUQ2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,4
Part Number: MJLQ2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,5
Part Numbers: MJLT2xx/A, MJLU2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro12,1
Part Numbers: MF839xx/A, MF840xx/A, MF841xx/A, MF843xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,2
Part Number: MGXA2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,3
Part Number: MGXC2xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,1
Part Numbers: MGX72xx/A, MGX82xx/A, MGX92xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014)


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,2
Part Number: ME293xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,3
Part Number: ME294xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)

Latest Os For Macbook Pro

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,1
Part Numbers: ME664xx/A, ME665xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,1
Part Numbers: ME864xx/A, ME865xx/A, ME866xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,2
Part Numbers: MD212xx/A, ME662xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013)


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2012)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,1
Part Numbers: MC975xx/A, MC976xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2012)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,1
Part Numbers: MD103xx/A, MD104xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,2
Part Numbers: MD212xx/A, MD213xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,2
Part Numbers: MD101xx/A, MD102xx/A
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)


MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,3
Part Number: MD311xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2011)

MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,3
Part Number: MC725xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2011)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
Part Numbers: MD322xx/A, MD318xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
Part Numbers: MC723xx/A, MC721xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)

Macbook Pro Operating System

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Late 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,1
Part Numbers: MD314xx/A, MD313xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Late 2011)

https://eekqqt.over-blog.com/2021/01/simpleimage-6-1-5-media-cataloging-and-viewing-utility.html. MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,1
Part Numbers: MC724xx/A, MC700xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)


MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro6,1
Part Number: MC024xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro6,2
Part Numbers: MC373xx/A, MC372xx/A, MC371xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro7,1
Part Numbers: MC375xx/A, MC374xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010)


MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2009)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,2
Part Number: MC226xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2009)

MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,2
Part Number: MB604xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,3
Part Numbers: MB985xx/A, MB986xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,3
Part Number: MC118xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009)

Macbook Pro 2012 Os X Compatibility

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,5
Part Numbers: MB991xx/A, MB990xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)

Mac pro os


MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,1
Part Number: MB470xx/A, MB471xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008)

MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro4,1
Part Number: MB166xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2008)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro4,1
Part Number: MB133xx/A, MB134xx/A
Newest compatible operating system: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Tech Specs: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2008)

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Macbook Pro Os X Compatibility
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