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Can You Play Minecraft On Apple Laptop

Take away: If you have a high-end Mac, you can expect to smoothly play this game at the highest settings. Can You Play Minecraft On A Macbook Pro? Again, looking at Minecraft’s system requirements, you wouldn’t expect a more modern MacBook Pro like our 2016, even with integrated graphics, to have a problem with our default settings. How to play Minecraft with a friend on PC/Mac Not really sure if this is the right place to post this, but didn't know where else would be appropriate. So, I bought Minecraft a few weeks ago to play with a friend of mine who lives across the country, and never get to see, so we can stay caught up with each other more.

  1. Can My Computer Play Minecraft
  2. Can You Play Minecraft On Apple Laptop Windows 10
  • Xbox Game Studios[1]
Written in
Latest version
Release date

December 19, 2016


Apple: 9+


207 MB Widsmob panorama 3 2018.


Proprietary software

Source available


  1. Cross-play with Java Edition: Windows, Mac, and Linux Allows you to play with other Java edition players. Split screen multiplayer (online multiplayer requires subscription sold separately) Playing split screen allows up to four players to play on the screen at the same time.
  2. Build, create, and explore in Minecraft for PC and Mac! Have ridiculous amounts of fun! Play alone or with friends. Minecraft for PC/Mac supports online multiplayer and solo play. Take advantage of limitless supplies and create anything you can imagine in Creative Mode. Mine, craft, and go on exciting adventures in Survival Mode.
Can you play minecraft on a apple laptopThis page describes an edition of the game that has been officially discontinued.
This edition is no longer updated or available for download.

Minecraft: Apple TV Edition was the version of Bedrock Edition designed to run on the Apple TV. It was announced on October 27, 2016, officially released on December 19, 2016, alongside Fire TV Edition, and discontinued on September 24, 2018.[2][3] The release of the Apple TV Edition coincided with the Ender Update. It was the last Bedrock Edition to have an 'Edition' subtitle as it did not receive the Better Together Update.It was previously unclear if or when the Apple TV Edition would be updated, due to a bug.[4][5] The version was officially discontinued with a message provided via the in-game patch notes and removed from the Apple TV Store on September 24, 2018.[6]

  • 1Development



The Apple TV Edition did not include a beta edition. It was announced and released at the same time.

Can my laptop run minecraft

For a limited time[more information needed], it came with seven pieces of DLC (Holiday 2015, Town Folk, and City Folk skin packs, along with the Plastic, Natural, Cartoon, and Festive 2016 mash-ups). Apple TV Edition moved from individual pieces of DLC to content in the Minecraft Marketplace. While players could no longer purchase Minecoins as of September 24, 2018, they could continue to use remaining Minecoins to purchase and use content in the Marketplace.


On September 24, 2018, Apple TV Edition was removed from the Apple TV store and the following message was broadcasted via the in-game patch notes. The patch notes were localized in all supported languages with local numbers for Apple Support included for each region/country.

Can My Computer Play Minecraft

Effective Monday September 24th, the Apple TV version of Minecraft will no longer be updated or supported. We're grateful to the Apple TV community for their support but we need to reallocate resources to the platforms that our players use the most. Don't worry though, you can continue to play Minecraft on Apple TV, keep building in your world and your Marketplace purchases (including Minecoins) will continue to be available.
Spotless 1 1 2. However, we know that this experience isn't in-line with the experience on other platforms so we will be issuing full refunds on all purchases made within the last 90 days. For more information or to check on the status of your refund, please contact Apple Customer Service at [Apple Support website] or [Apple Support number].


Main article: Pocket Edition § Gameplay

In addition to features which existed in Pocket Edition, the Apple TV Edition had the ability to play with up to seven players through local multiplayer. However, Apple TV Edition was out-of-date as of the 1.1.5 update and could not play with other Bedrock Editions. It supported Realms, but could only play with other users of Apple TV Edition after that update.


  2. 'Apple announces Minecraft coming to tvOS-powered Apple TV this year' by Chance Miller – 9to5Mac, October 27, 2016.
  3. 'Apple TV Edition released!' by Owen Jones., December 19, 2016
  4. MCPE-27640: Apple TV Edition version - Better Together Update
  5. MCPE-19383: Apple TV version, corrupted world save.
  6. 'Effective Monday September 24th, the Apple TV version of Minecraft will no longer be updated or supported.' – Jay Wells, September 25, 2018
Bedrock Edition
  • Pocket Edition
  • Windows 10 Edition
  • Gear VR Edition
  • Fire TV Edition
Ports to consoles
  • PlayStation 4
Version history
  • Alpha
  • Commands
Exclusive features
World types
Generated structures
  • Far Lands
Blocks and items
Status effects
Minecraft by Mojang Studios, Xbox Game Studios, 4J Studios, SkyBox Labs, Other Ocean Interactive, Telltale Games, Double Eleven, NetEase & TeacherGaming
Game customization
  • Resource packs
  • Demo
  • Pocket Edition
  • Windows 10 Edition
  • Gear VR Edition
  • Fire TV Edition
Ports to consoles
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox 360 Edition
  • Xbox One Edition
  • PlayStation 3 Edition
  • PlayStation 4 Edition
  • PlayStation Vita Edition
  • Wii U Edition
  • Nintendo Switch Edition
  • New Nintendo 3DS Edition
  • Pi Edition
  • Minecraft: Story Mode
Children's books
Other media
Minecraft Live
Minecraft Festival
Official merchandise
Retrieved from ''

Minecraft game details

Updated: June 18th, 2020 by JT Hussey

The Nostalgia pull of mincraft has reached its prime as the playerbase returns to minecraft with a variety of new quests, landscapes, and monsters to fight. Although the blocky textures and square headed pigs may make the game seem like it can run on your grandma's toaster, meeting the minecraft system requirements of an GeForce 400 Series, AMD Radeon HD 7000, or Intel HD Graphics 4000 will ensure a smooth runtime. However, meeting the minecraft requirements of a GeForce 700 Series or AMD Radeon Rx 200 GPU will ensure a flawless experience, devoid of stuttering. Get back to mining and crafting in Minecraft!

Can my computer run Minecraft? Your GPU will have to be at a minimum GeForce 400 Series, AMD Radeon HD 7000 or Intel HD Graphics 4000. And your processor should be an Intel Core i3-3210 or AMD A8-7600 APU. Minecraft is the ultimate sandbox building game that exercises your creativity and imagination. Dig deep into the pixelated earth to discover rare materials or build grand structures to keep yourself safe at night from the zombies and skeletons! The System Requirements are fairly low compared to most games. The simple art style of Minecraft helps keep the hardware requirements low.

Here are the Minecraft System Requirements (Minimum)

  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • OS: Windows 7 and up
  • VIDEO CARD: Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.41Discrete: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4
  • FREE DISK SPACE: At least 1 GB for Game Core and Other Files

Can You Play Minecraft On Apple Laptop Windows 10

Minecraft Recommended Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz / AMD A10-7800 APU 3.5 GHz or equivalent
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • OS: Windows 10
  • VIDEO CARD: GeForce 700 Series or AMD Radeon Rx 200 Series (excluding integrated chipsets) with OpenGL 4.5
Click here for the latest video card drivers
System Requirements Lab may earn affiliate commissions from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs

Can my computer run Minecraft?

By Cliff Henjum June 18, 2019

Minecraft is almost ten years old, but is still one of the most played computer games and is usually among the top ten most tested games on It was the first of its kind and spawned dozens of copycat games in inspired plenty more with its simple, yet addicting gameplay loop. Some would even argue that the Hunger Games mod for Minecraft is the original Battle Royale that led to the likes of Fortnite and PUBG. With consistent updates being pushed out with new content, new and returning players are constantly asking the question “Will my PC run Minecraft?” Despite its classic ‘8-bit look,’ Minecraft’s system requirements are actually higher than most people would expect. If you don’t mind a shallow view distance and not using crazy mods, then all you have to worry about is having a computer that passes the minimum system requirements.

The minimum system requirements for Minecraft are nothing to scoff at. While you only need 2 GB of RAM to pass, your PC will need at least a DX 11.0 GPU, such as an Intel HD Graphics 4000, a GeForce 400 series card, or a Radeon HD 7000 series card. This is a higher requirement than the newly announced Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, so let that sink in. It’s also fairly CPU intensive and requires at least a Core i3-3210 or AMD A8-7600. If your computer is barely passing the minimum system requirement test, you will have to turn some settings down in order for the game to run smoothly.
If you want to see the Nether Realm in all its firey glory or dive to the depths of the block ocean in search of buried treasure with max graphics, then your computer will need to pass the recommended system requirement test. At max graphics, integrated chipsets will no longer get the job done, so you’re stuck with getting a GPU that’s at least as strong as a GeForce 700 series or Radeon Rx 200 series. In order to load all of those blocks across your voxel paradise, your CPU needs to be at least a Core i5-4690 or AMD A10-7800. The amount of RAM you’ll need isn’t crazy high, only 4 GB, but more than that will allow you to keep all of those tabs open on your browser without slowing things down.

Can You Play Minecraft On Apple Laptop
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